Kant-Veranstaltungen 2018
Kant-Veranstaltungen 2017
Bibliographischer Informationsdienst Nr. 58, Dezember 2017
The Second Immanuel Kant International Summer School: Kant's Doctrines of Right, Law, and Freedom
The Academia Kantiana of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University invites applications for participation in
the Second Immanuel Kant International Summer School. Kant's Doctrine of Right retains contemporary relevance,
taking an important place in recent philosophical discussions. The main exegetical problems with Kant's Doctrine
of Right concern the relations between theoretical and practical philosophy, moral and 'legal' obligation, and
the concepts of private and public law. In public law, Kant is unique in that he combines concepts and themes from Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.
Date: 29 July - 5 August 2018
Deadline for submission: 05 June, 2018
Kant's Transcendental Idealism and the Problem of Metaphysics: Call for Papers (Book Chapters)
The focus of the book is on Immanuel Kant's critical philosophy, especially his transcendental idealism concerning
the distinction between appearance (phenomenon) and the thing-in-itself (noumenon) in the Critique of Pure Reason (1781, 1787).
Einsendeschluss für Beiträge: 30. Juni 2018
Call for Chapters
Prämierung von Dissertationen durch die Immanuel Kant-Stiftung
Der Stifter der Immanuel Kant-Stiftung, Berthold Lange, und ihr Stiftungsrat haben beschlossen, alle zwei Jahre
2 Förderpreise im Gesamtwert von 5.000 Euro auszusetzen. Dem Motto der Stiftung "Kant entdecken und weiterdenken"
entsprechend sollen herausragende Dissertationen prämiert werden, die ein Thema der praktischen Philosophie Kants
(zur Ethik, Religion, Rechts- u. politischen Philosophie) behandeln.
Einsendeschluss für Bewerbungen: 30. Juni 2018
Weitere Informationen
1. APHIN-Symposium
Erscheinung und Vernunft - Wirklichkeitszugänge der Aufklärung
Datum: 29. Juni bis 1. Juli 2018
Ort: Göttingen
Die Stellung des Naturrechts Feyerabend innerhalb der Entwicklung des kantischen Moraldenkens. Analysen und Perspektiven
Datum: 6. bis 8. Juli 2018
Ort: Mainz, Erbacher Hof
KANT YEARBOOK 11/2019: Call for Papers
The KANT YEARBOOK is now accepting submissions for its eleventh issue in 2018. The KANT
YEARBOOK is an international journal that publishes articles on the philosophy of Immanuel
Kant. It is the KANT YEARBOOK's goal to intensify innovative research on Kant on the
international scale. For that reason the KANT YEARBOOK prefers to publish articles in
English, however articles in German will also be considered. Each issue is dedicated to a
specific topic. The tenth issue's topic is "AESTHETICS".
Einsendeschluss für Beiträge: 15. August 2018
Call for Papers
13th International Kant Congress: Call for Papers
The 13th International Kant Congress is hosted by The Norwegian Kant Society and will take place in Oslo, August 6-9, 2019.
It is dedicated to the topic of the court of reason.
The call for papers runs from January 31 - September 1, 2018
Call for Papers
ConTextos Kantianos: Call for Papers
On the occasion of Marx' bicentennial, the journal Con-Textos Kantianos. International Journal of philosophy is
preparing a special issue on the relation between Marx' and Kant's philosophy.
Einsendeschluss für Beiträge: 30. September 2018
Call for Papers
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